The full year's accounts to March 31st 2023
Budget and Accounts 2023 (PDF, 266 Kb)
The full year's accounts for the year ending March 31st 2023
Audit Documents for FY 2022/23
External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2022/23 (PDF, 13 Kb)
The External Auditors Report and Certificate 2022/23
Exercise of Public Rights Annual Accounts March 31st 2023 (PDF, 2.6 Mb)
Publication of the Annual Accounts for the financial year ending 31st March 2023
Explanation of Variances, Audit 2022-23 (PDF, 111 Kb)
An explanation of the variances with RPC accounts, 2022/23
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 22/23 (PDF, 2.2 Mb)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 22/23
Explanation for ‘No’ answers on AGAR 2022/23 (PDF, 120 Kb)
An explanation for 'No' answers on the Annual Governance Report 2022/2023